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Kyowa Quality BCAA supplements
Gli sportivi, professionisti e non, e coloro che possiedono un po’ di esperienza nel campo degli supplements alimentari they will surely be familiar with branched chain amino acids (or BCAA). Essi rappresentano un particolare tipo di aminoacidi essenziali e hanno acquisito un’enorme popolarità nel campo dell’integrazione alimentare, grazie alle loro numerose qualità (descritte nel dettaglio in this article). A qualcuno, sarà inoltre capitato di incontrare la dicitura Kyowa Quality® (KQ) alongside many products based on BCAA.
In order to facilitate our users in the search and choice of products Bioline Supplements best suited to your needs, we will try to explain, with this article, what i BCAA Kyowa, why they are the best on the market and which products Bioline contain them.
Companies that manufacture their own supplements starting with Kyowa amino acids they are many, by virtue of the high quality that distinguishes them. THE BCAA Kyowain fact, they have long established themselves internationally as products of the highest quality and are increasingly in demand.
BCAA Kyowa Quality® what are they?
The brand Kyowa Quality® belongs to the Kyowa Kirin Co. Ltd, azienda giapponese fondata nel 1949 e divenuta ben presto leader mondiale nel settore farmaceutico e delle biotecnologie. Questo marchio registrato identifica una linea di amino acids pure and related compounds. The raw materials are subsequently processed and used for the realization of supplements which can later be labeled Kyowa Quality®.
Also Bioline Supplements offers a line of products made from amino acids BCAA Kyowa. In particolare parliamo di questi tre integratori:
- Ram 3 2: 1: 1 Kyowa Quality® in tablets
- Ram 3 4: 1: 1 Kyowa Quality® in tablets
- Ram 3 8:1:1 Kyowa Quality® in polvere
The line of Kyowa Quality BCAA supplements® and vitamin B6 of Bioline Supplements takes the name of Ram 3.
Questi sono disponibili in diverse soluzioni e con differenti dosaggi (per approfondimenti rimandiamo a this article or at dedicated section of the shop), compresa una variante creata attraverso la lavorazione dei famosi Kyowa amino acids. Ma cosa rende la qualità dei BCAA Kyowa Quality® superior? Let's find out together.
Kyowa Quality® – Qualità superiore
The great success of the Kyowa amino acids finds its reasons in the production process implemented by Kyowa Kirin Co. Ltd itself, thanks to which the company is able to guarantee products of the highest quality.
To avoid excessively long explanations full of technicalities, which can be tedious, we will omit here the detailed description of all the phases of the process. In these lines we will limit ourselves to illustrating some of the most important and functional features for our purpose.
Il primo aspetto interessante riguarda l’altissimo grado di purezza degli Kyowa amino acids.
Let's start by saying that all Kyowa Quality amino acids® are made through a process of natural fermentation e non, come spesso accade, tramite la sintesi chimica. Ciò consente di evitare che, parallelamente alla produzione degli amino acids, si verifichi anche la sintesi di sostanze nocive, permettendo al prodotto di mantenere un tasso di purezza del 100%, oltre a ridurre a zero l’impatto ambientale. Gli branched chain amino acids Kyowain fact, they are free of contaminants such as i heavy metals and the endotoxins.
Quality control
Another very important aspect of the BCAA Kyowa consiste nel rigido controllo che viene effettuato sul prodotto, durante tutte le fasi della lavorazione, grazie all’utilizzo di tecnologie all’avanguardia e metodi innovativi. Ad ulteriore prova della qualità del prodotto, i prodotti KQ comply with the requirements set by the main international Pharmacopoeias, including the European Pharmacopoeia.
The latter could be described as a sort of manual, inaugurated in 1974 and now in its tenth edition, which lists the general principles, rules and prohibitions on drugs and has been ratified by almost all the Member States of the European Union.
Ultimately, we can say that by purchasing a product that bears the wording Kyowa Quality, you have the certainty of having bought a supplement of the highest quality, pure and that complies with the regulations of the sector.
We conclude this short article with a clarification. So far we have talked about the products KQ only as regards i BCAA, but, as mentioned in the introduction, Kyowa Ltd it's not just about branched chain amino acids but also of other compounds.
Specifically, we want to mention another product from the shop Bioline Supplements bearing the wording Kyowa Quality®:
It is a glutamine supplement, a amino acid polar very important in the digestive process, thanks to the quality guaranteed by Kyowa amino acids.
If this article was useful to you, you just have to visit ours shop Bioline Supplements e provare i nostri prodotti a base di BCAA Kyowa!